‘Voices from Gaza’ Press Conference
The International Centre of Justice for Palestinians invites you to its press conference entitled: “Stories from the ground: Voices of British-based family members of Gazans”. The press conference took place from 11:00am to 1:00pm on Monday 13th November at One Birdcage Walk, in the heart of Westminster.
The event included speeches from ICJP Director Tayab Ali, UK Director of Human Rights Watch Yasmine Ahmed and a host of voices from British-based family members of Gazans. The press conference was set up in response to the restriction of vital resources such as electricity in Gaza, which meant that despite all the media noise, it was difficult to hear the stories from the people who mattered the most: those on the ground living a daily nightmare.
This press conference was planned in response to significant demand from the media for opportunities to hear the stories from British-based family members of people living in Gaza. It included speeches, a Q&A section and an opportunity for direct one-to-one interviews with the panellists afterwards.
ICJP also wrote a letter on behalf of members of the Palestinian community in the UK with families and loved one living in Gaza. The letter was announced at the press conference, listing their demands for the UK government to end Israel’s War on Gaza.