The ICJP and the BPC have written to the Foreign and Home Secretaries, outlining concerns regarding COGAT regulations

The International Centre of Justice for Palestinians, and the British Palestinian Committee, has today written a joint letter to Foreign Secretary Rt. Hon James Cleverly MP, and Home Secretary Rt. Hon Suella Braverman KC MP, urging them to meet with Palestinian civil society in Britain to discuss appropriate responses by the UK Government to new discriminatory entry policies implemented by the Israeli Government.

These measures are damaging to British, Palestinian and international visitors, as well as to the Palestinian economy and society as a whole. Given the importance of ensuring joined up policy in this matter – policy that upholds both the rights of British citizens and the obligations of the UK government as a third party state under international law – we have addressed the letter to both ministries.

You can read more about these damaging new regulations here, or view the full letter to the Foreign Secretary and Home Secretary here.